
Motion is life

In essence, the Motion section equips our team with the resources to create a lively and responsive interface that aligns with our brand’s voice and elevates the user’s journey through our digital landscape.

The Motion section of our Design System presents the principles and standards for animation and transitions within our digital products. It outlines how motion can express brand personality, guide user attention, and enhance the overall user experience by providing feedback and creating a sense of spatial orientation.

Our motion guidelines are rooted in the philosophy that animations should be meaningful and purposeful, never distracting from the content. We cover the best practices for timing, easing, and choreographing movements that feel natural and intuitive. The documentation includes the speed and duration for common animations, ensuring consistency across all interactions.


We delve into how motion can support usability by smoothing transitions between states and drawing focus where it’s needed. Whether it’s a subtle button feedback or a more complex transition between views, each motion is designed to be cohesive with our brand’s character and responsive to user inputs.


Developers will find practical implementation details, such as CSS code snippets and animation libraries that adhere to our motion principles. By providing these tools, we aim to make it simpler to incorporate motion into projects, ensuring a dynamic yet coherent experience for all users.