CoreColor System


Our Color System is a thoughtfully curated palette designed to enhance usability, convey brand identity, and create hierarchy within our digital experiences. It defines the core colors, their shades, tints, and proper usage across different media and devices, ensuring accessibility and readability for all users.

We begin by exploring the psychology behind our color choices, elaborating on how each hue contributes to the brand’s overall tone and emotional impact. The system guides the use of color to direct attention, indicate interactivity, and differentiate elements within the UI, all while upholding brand consistency.

Technical specifications provide the exact color codes for web (RGB and HEX values) and print (CMYK), along with guidelines for contrast ratios to satisfy WCAG accessibility standards. This ensures designers and developers can create cohesive and accessible experiences across all platforms.


The application of the Color System is demonstrated through real-world examples, showcasing how to blend primary, secondary, and tertiary colors to maintain visual interest and readability. Our documentation includes a suite of resources, such as downloadable swatches and coding snippets, to facilitate the design and development workflow.

This section secures that our Color System is applied effectively, fostering a visually unified and user-centric interface that aligns with our brand’s ethos and meets our audience’s needs.